04 November 2004


I was discussing with Catfish last night about the distribution of votes, and offered that the majority of Dems were in high-population pockets. This county-by-county graphic on Michelle Malkin's (hubba-hubba) blog paints the true picture of how the country voted. In Texas for example, note the Valley, San Antonio, El Paso, etc. The rest of the state is clearly red. I guess the high-population theory only holds on the Left Coast and the Northeast. This was much more about ideology than population density. In fact, the population of Bush counties won numbered 150.9 million, Kerry 103.6 million. I heard one Dem pundit spouting off yesterday on America Left that the states carried by Bush "didn't have any people in them." Reckon that's just not right, huh?

There are still some counties not colored in as of today, but it doesn't matter. I think the word "mandate" is just fine to use in casual conversation.

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