In Tampa.
Near Houston, in the Woodlands.
In Michigan.
In Missouri.
In Denver.
And here in Dallas.
Can you hear me now? Or does the Democrat Party need more?
“The terrorists held at Guantanamo Bay were sent there for a reason; they hate America and dream of killing innocent Americans. Needlessly spending millions of taxpayer dollars on a ‘Great Lakes GITMO’ makes no sense and serves no purpose, other than to pander to the most extreme within the President’s party. We are a compassionate and civilized nation, but it is the duty of those in public office to ensure the safety and security of our citizens, first and foremost. That is why these dangerous individuals belong at GITMO and not on U.S. soil.
“I implore the President to keep that in mind and immediately stop throwing good taxpayer dollars after bad policy ideas. If he is looking for a creative way to spend money, I respectfully suggest leaving GITMO open and using the millions of dollars in ‘savings’ to pay down the monumental deficit he has racked up since taking office in January.”And then today, in response to the White House's request to turn in your friends and neighbors if one suspects something... fishy (and *they* have the gall to call US Nazis?) Senator Cornyn stated:
“I am not aware of any precedent for a President asking American citizens to report their fellow citizens to the White House for pure political speech that is deemed ‘fishy’ or otherwise inimical to the White House’s political interests,”
“I can only imagine the level of justifiable outrage had your predecessor asked Americans to forward emails critical of his policies to the White House. I suspect that you would have been leading the charge in condemning such a program -- and I would have been at your side denouncing such heavy-handed government action.”
I tell you what, I think the whole thing is fishy. I've searched and searched my copy of the Constitution and can't find a single mention of giving the government ANY power (great or small) over my personal health care choices. Odd, huh?
Speaking of fishy, have you seen this? http://michellemalkin.com/2009/08/04/health-care-czars-office-calls-for-internet-snitch-brigade/ I'd be most interested to see your reply.
As I posted way back when, in 2005 when I snuck behind enemy lines (sorry, that made me laugh) and inspected good ole Cindee Sheehan's protest camp at the Bush Crawford residence. The hippies I ran into were running a smooth, professional operation with porta potties, shuttle buses and professionally made posters and banners. All of which cost money, time and effort.
In Austin, Texas, Rep. Lloyd Doggett was drowned out by a group of noisy, sign-waving demonstrators who shouted, “Just say no” as he tried to talk about health care reform... In an e-mail to POLITICO Monday, Doggett called the group a “mob, sent by the local Republican and Libertarian parties” that “came not just to be heard but to deny others the right to be heard.”
President Barack Obama's treasury secretary said Sunday he cannot rule out higher taxes to help tame an exploding budget deficit, and his chief economic adviser would not dismiss raising them on middle-class Americans as part of a health care overhaul.TEA party, my ass. This is about to create some real protest in this country, mark my words.
The remains of the first American lost in the Gulf War have been found in Iraq, the military said Sunday, a sorrowful resolution of a nearly two-decade old question about the fate of Navy Capt. Michael "Scott" Speicher.Rest in Peace, Captain.