This was a gorgeous day here in Texas, perfect weather for shooting. Catfish, JR and I met up in the parking lot at JR's office for the road trip down to Waco in the toaster. To my surprise, Catfish was already sitting in the parking lot when I got there, so I parked next to him, got out and started getting my gear together. JR pulled in a minute later, we loaded up and hit the road.
The match was great, about 55 shooters showed up, lots of friends were there to make it even more enjoyable, and we put some serious hurting on everyone in our respective divisions. I must admit I was feeling pretty good about myself - finished 1st in my class, and about 12th overall. Not too shabby for anyone, much less a small glimmer of estrogen surrounded by oodles of testosterone. We stopped on the way back for food and drink, then made our way back to Dallas.
We rounded the corner to JR's office and all three of us did a double-take. Catfish's car was there, but mine wasn't next to it anymore. It was about 100 feet away from where I left it, facing the opposite way, sitting in the middle of the lot. First thing I thought of was how the hell did Catfish get my keys and move my car when I wasn't looking this morning?? Next, I thought about the conversation we had this morning about ghosts, apparitions and such. Hmm. Well, turns out that when I got out this morning I didn't put my car in gear OR set the parking brake. So with the high winds today, my poor little car was rolling around the lot all by itself. Luckily it missed everything in the lot except the concrete base of a light pole which it apparently backed in to before rolling forward to a stop on a speed bump.

The worst part of it is that I will never, ever live it down, nor will my friends ever let me forget it. First thing JR said was "get the camera, we've got to blog this!" Hey, at least it wasn't a ghost.