I had a lot of time to think while I was driving back in town today. I thought I would scattershoot on some thoughts I had on 9/11, the war and Liberals.
I was in Shreveport, La. today on business. I had an hour or so to kill before my next appointment, so I went to the air museum at Barksdale A.F.B. to have a look around. Outside they have several historic planes roped in on the lawn. You can pretty much walk right up to them just shy of arms reach. I spent a little time looking at each of them, but none were as impressive as the SR-71 Blackbird.
I went inside the building where they have little vignettes, each a display of a different era. I walked through them and near the end they had an exhibit of 9/11. They had the podium our President stood at when he addressed the country from Barksdale. On the podium was a computer screen that played a loop of his short speech. I must have stood there and watched it 5 times. Watching it again and listening to the words he spoke gave me a feeling of pride I cannot fully describe. He spoke of the cowardly aggression and that we would find the people responsible and they would be punished. He is truly the right man for this job. I shudder to think what direction we would have gone if Al Gore were the President. Another computer screen showed a slide show of both horrific images of the attack and the aftermath and the heroic acts of people trying to help. As I stood and watched this I was reminded how I felt that day. The anger, the fear and the sorrow returned like it happened yesterday. Those images should be shown often. The people that are starting to go soft and are tiring of the war on terror should see them again. It would probably strengthen their resolve. I know it does mine.
There are a few things the libs are saying these days that are just idiotic. One is the talking points where they state that Iraq is the new training ground for the terrorists. They would have you believe they are learning about urban warfare there so they can pull it off some place else later. This is such B.S. If having your ass kicked all over the desert is training then let them train. They don't need to go to Iraq to learn how to make a improvised explosive device (IED). That is the only thing they have had any luck with.
London has had it's share of people protesting America and England this week during the summit, but where are the protesters now? Why aren't they protesting the terrorists? These people sicken me. How can you witness what these terrorists did in London and not see they are truly the face of evil? They murder innocent men, women, and children in the name of religion. We are not talking collateral damage. They are the intended targets. The evil doers need to be hunted down and killed because they can't be reasoned with and you can't negotiate a peace settlement with them. All you need to do is look at Spain. They were attacked and voted out the party supporting the war. After pulling out of Iraq and no longer supporting the WOT, they were attacked again. The Islamists hate us for who we are and the freedom we enjoy and as long as we are around they will try to kill us.
As far as the war on terror is going, I think it has been a major success so far. The fact that they haven't been able to strike us here shows that. If they had been able to attack us again here at home they would. I won't diminish the attack in London. It was horrific, but the fact that all these animals can do is set off IED's of less than 10 pounds each shows they are not that strong right now. If they could have set off a dirty bomb or worse, they would in a heartbeat.
In closing I would like to say that the road ahead is a never ending battle between good and evil and we must triumph. The Liberals need to understand that we didn't start it, but we damn well better finish it, so support the troops and support the President and shut the F&#@ up. The terrorist need to understand that a few bombs let off is only going to piss us off more and strengthen our resolve.