Here, Kerry is giving an enemy of our state his autograph. Nice, huh?

Click on the link and watch the video. Another reason to thank God that John Kerry doesn't have the word President in front of his name.
Science has invented doughnuts filled with caffeine. Bohannon says he's developed a way to add caffeine to baked goods, without the bitter taste of caffeine. Each piece of pastry is the equivalent of about two cups of coffee.
He faces up to 95 years in prison.The government said Hassan sold a counterfeit Viagra mixed with ingredients such as gypsum, a primary component of wallboard.Man, that's a stiff penalty, and hard time. Seems like it'd be hard to keep that up for long.
Roth, who unceremoniously parted ways with Van Halen in 1985, told the music magazine's Website eight months ago that getting him and his former hair-band brothers back together would not be "rocket surgery."That boy gives the Roths a bad name...
"I wrote this book to remind people what the Clinton administration meant to us and the world," McAuliffe said, adding that the Clinton years showed how to "restore moral authority."
Cohen said he became convinced that joining the caucus would be "a social faux pas" after seeing news reports that former Rep. William Lacy Clay Sr., D-Mo., a co-founder of the caucus, had circulated a memo telling members it was "critical" that the group remain "exclusively African-American."
Anderson was hospitalized with a broken nose, collapsed lungs and a damaged liver, and he didn't wake up for six days, NBC 5 reported. Anderson said he admits that if he did what police said he did, he deserved what he got.And there it is - let that be the lesson.
I tell them to bring those nice cameras to Iraq and snap away; if they don’t photograph this war, practically nobody else will.