The next Veep is a MILF, and so's his wife.
Gotta give John props with respect to the women in his life...

WEST, Texas — A man, woman and two tots are dead after they were hit and killed by a sport-utility vehicle on an Interstate 35 frontage road in Central Texas.Well, if this isn't from the WTF department, I don't know what is.
The Texas Department of Public Safety says the accident happened just before 10 p.m. Thursday about 15 miles north of Waco near the town of West.
They said the man and woman were walking with a baby girl and a boy, age about 2, after their car apparently stalled on the two-way frontage road. DPS Cpl. Charlie Morgan said a sport-utility vehicle apparently crested a rise and slammed into the family from behind, hurling their bodies about 100 feet.
The DPS identifies the dead as Brandee Thorpe, 20; Austin Fontenot (FAHN'-teh-noh), 2; and Kinzee Fontenot, 1; all of Hillsboro; and Gregory Howell, 25, of Robinson. Their relationships are unclear.
The driver of the SUV was interviewed, but no charges are filed.