29 October 2004

Victor Davis Hanson on Election 2004 on National Review Online

all the prescription drug policies for old people, handouts to the poor, and tax cuts for the rich mean nothing if there's another smoking hole in an American City. Get out and vote, people, and vote for Bush.

"Meanwhile, we all vote. One candidate urges us to return to the mindset of pre-September 11 — law enforcement dealing with terrorists as nuisances. He claims the policies that have led to an absence of another attack at home, the end of the Taliban and Saddam Hussein, idealistic efforts to extend freedom, and radical and positive changes in Pakistan, Libya, the West Bank, and the Gulf have made things worse. In contrast, the other reminds us that we are in a real war against horrific enemies and are no longer passive targets, but will fight the terrorists on their home turf, win, and leave behind humane government. No choice could be clearer. It is America's call."

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