25 October 2004

Election Projection - 2004 Edition

It's only 8 more days until Election Day. As I sit here on a Monday morning, looking forward to the week ahead, I wonder exactly what this week will bring. Kerry's getting desperate. Democrats are getting more shrill. Lawyers are salivating over the prospect of election challenges. CBS is giving Dan Rather all the gin he can drink. Campaign headquarters are being looted. Yard signs are being destroyed. It's all coming to a head, and I (for one) am ready for this election to be over.

I'm going out on a limb here, and guessing that come Wednesday, November 3, one of two things will have happened: 1) George Bush is the clear winner of the race, and Kerry concedes, or 2) it's too close to call, and we'll be in for another round of recounts ala 2000. I'm leaning towards #1, of course, but I doubt the Democratic candidate has the huevos to admit when he's lost. Reckon we'll see. Notice that I did not consider a third scenario involving the desecration of our nation's highest office. Don't think that's gonna happen.

Another thought about this week: who else will try to disrupt our election process? If anyone does, take a look at who it is, and consider one thing: why do they want Bush out of office so badly?

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