29 October 2004

The Avenging Alterman

I may have mentioned this before, but I hate Eric Alterman's guts. I don't think I can overstate that, really.
He's the kind of guy whom even close friends call "arrogant," "intolerable" and "asshole"-but always affectionately and always followed by praise.
I don't mean it affectionately, nor will I follow it with praise. He's a contributing writer at MSNBC, and he's a hate-spewing, regurgitant, lying, liberal tool.
In any case, given the chaos into which Iraq continues to fall further every day, it’s getting harder and harder to defend my pre-war contention that while this war would be a disaster for America and for the world, it would at least benefit the Iraqis.

My guess is that you’d have a hard time finding many Iraqis who’d say that today. And Cheney is out bragging about it. They like this thing. They’re proud of it. They want to do more of it and they’re going to have to draft your sons and daughters to make it so. More Fallujas. More Abu Graibs. More Al Qaqaas.
He goes on spewing:
That really is the last straw. Not merely every nation in the world that opposed the war—which is every one but Israel, but the Iraqi people too, will celebrate if enough patriots come out in Florida, Ohio, Wisconsin, Missouri, Minnesota, Washington, Iowa, and Pennsylvania, among others, and save America and the rest of the world from this accursed leadership.
Patriots? He considers himself a patriot? What America is he so patriotic about? The isolationist America that does nothing to defend itself from the spectre of terrorism? The America that believes mere threats will keep us safe from zealots who have openly declared war on our society?

No thanks, Eric. I say we take it to the bad guys, and not sit around waiting for the next 9/11. Forget about the "good old days" of liberal politics, pal. That doesn't play in the real world, where real bad guys really want to kill us and plunge our society into chaos.

War isn't about who's biggest and baddest. War is an extension of policy used only when other means of policy have failed. The military is the tip of the spear, and you'd better have someone worth his mettle holding the spear. John Kerry ain't it, never was, never will be.

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