19 May 2004

Democrats Want Your Oil

So gas prices get higher, and now the Democrats want to tap into our strategic oil reserve. There's some sound thinking. Kind of like, "we're running low on bullets for the military, so let's start using nukes." Tapping into your defensive anything isn't a good idea unless you really, really need it.

1 comment:

catfish said...

Hell, they want my money too - why should we be surprised?

Just to make sure I understand, the Democrats want to relase 60 million barrels of oil - that'll last us, what, 2 days? And how will the price of oil go down? Didn't John Kerry tell us all that President Bush was making secret deals with the Saudis to LOWER the price of oil a couple months ago? But, I digress ... so, use up 60 million barrels of oil that we have to replace at a later date at a higher cost??

Sure, sounds like a good plan to me.