Detachable, 30-round magazines - Check.
Pistol grip - Check.
Collapsible stock - Check.
Vortex Flash Hider - Check.
Bayonet lug - Check.
Heat-dissapating foregrip - Check.
Vertical foregrip - Check.
I mounted a flashlight to it last night, too. All I need is a grenade launcher. :)
There it is, ladies and gents: the violent "assault" weapon so feared by the protectors of children and, um, criminals. The only problem is this: it's semi-automatic. It only fires one shot for each pull of the trigger.
Just like the not-as-scary Ruger Mini-14,

Just proof that it's feel-good legislation, and does NOTHING but produce sound bites for the rabid liberal press.
Molon Labe.
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