28 January 2006

The new American Castrato

JR, here's the link to the article we were talking about over breakfast after you used your little teasing non-masculine voice to try and entice me out of my 8 egg omelet.

The fellow makes some good points indeed.

"...You realize that you hear this voice every day if you bounce around a bit in our larger cities buying this or ordering that, and in general running into young people in the "service" sector -- be it coffee shop, video store, department store, boutique, bookstore, or office cube farm. It's a kind of voice that was seldom heard anywhere but now seems to be everywhere.
It is the voice of the neuter ."

I think this is why women find the males here on the Tattler so damn attractive. We talk like sailors, drive like maniacs, drink more beer than a fraternity (except for the ninnies Brad and Dan), smoke cigars and shoot guns. Hell, for that matter, the Girl is more of a man than most of the rest of the guys out there.

Speaking of.... One night, she actually brought a date to one of our weekly competitions. Computer geek. Nerdy type. Exactly the kind of castrato the article above talks about . I thought that while her choice in males was entertaining for the rest of us, I didn't think she'd be very entertained herself.

This poor lad was swimming in a sea of sharks and didn't know it.

After the match we went out to eat at one of the local Taqueria type eateries. You place your order, get your food and then go sit down and eat. The Girl's date got to the table first and then politely sat with his hands in his lap waiting for the rest of us, and the Girl to come join him at the table. I was the next person there, saw him waiting and told him to just dig in, there aren't any formalities with this bunch and your food's just gonna get cold.

Big D shows up next. He throws his tray down, points at the geek, and asked in his war voice if "he was dating Trixie".

The geek's response was a mumbled, gurgled sound that came out sounding like he had just shit in his pants.

Big D took that as a yes, and proceeded to rant "well you'd better be nice you little shit because I love her and if I ever find out you were mean to her I'm ripping your fucking head off."

Now here I am next to the geek, trying very hard to not blow queso and hot sauce out my nose. I think my ears popped several times with the effort, but I managed to swallow it all without dribbling into my beer. The poor kid is now ghostly white and has made a vain attempt to disappear under the table.

Big D continues to glare at the kid, and when the Girl comes to the table, there's another round of snickers and shooting beer out of our noses laughing uncontrollably.

I don't think the kid ever even ate anything, and finally just got up and left.

None of us told the Girl what had happened, but at some point in the future, the geek told her that he wasn't coming shooting with us any more because her friends intimidated him and then told her what happened.

I don't think she's had a date since.

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