30 January 2006

Guns Win

Democrats and gun control are like puppies and chewing. You can beat them time and again, but they won't stop. They will always return to gun control, like moths to a flame.

Okay, so my similes (or is it metaphors or analogies? Should've paid attention in English) suck. You get the picture.
Had John Kerry not been stupid enough to go back to Washington to help defeat the firearms industry liability protection bill and get his picture taken with Ted Kennedy, Dianne Feinstein, and Chuck Schumer in the process, many more pro-gun voters might have stayed on his side or stayed away from the polls.

Luckily, Kerry just couldn’t help showing his true colors and much of the gun lobby noticed.
I've said it before: Democrats lack simple self-protection mechanisms. They continually are shooting themselves in the foot (sorry, I can't stop now...) with respect to the gun lobby, and gun owners in general. They honestly believe that guns are the root of all evil, and in spite of their collective constituency's mandate, continue to try to ban them. What's worse is that they try to put on airs as "sportsmen" and "hunters," posing for cheesy pictures while weilding grampa's shotgun during photo-ops that only a moron would believe was genuine. I think this sums it up nicely:
Of course Kerry’s gun posturing was a prime example of what former Democrat Senator John Patrick Moynihan referred to as, "…just boob bait for the bubbas."
THAT's what politicians think of you, kids.

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