23 January 2006

Mars Images Reveal Recent Volcanic And Glacial Activity

How can this be?? As far as I know, George Bush has yet to step on the surface of Mars, and so far, he can't be blamed for the global warming trend that's coming in Mars' future.... I'm stymied though, because according to the eco-clowns, there would be no global warming if not for mankind's (or should I say, America's) insatiable appetite for fossile fuels??

"James Head, professor of geological sciences at Brown University and an author on the Nature papers, said the glacial data suggests recent climate change in Mars’ 4.6-billion-year history. The team also concludes that Mars is in an “interglacial” period. As the planet tilts closer to the sun, ice deposited in lower latitudes will vaporize, changing the face of the Red Planet yet again."

Yet here we have a scientific journal telling us that Mars' ice deposits are going to be melted away! Perhaps the CIA has secretly been developing industries on Mars that are wreaking such havoc on the red planet?

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