07 July 2005


From This Blog is Full of Crap:
And deep in the heart of every true Muslim, one that follows the word of Allah as spoken by Muhammed to the letter, they want us dead or gone.
It's the ones who don't follow the teachings strictly and have assimilated who show any sense of tolerance, understanding, or compromise. They are the ones who we should tolerate.
Because the hardcore ones want them dead too. Although if they side with them instead of us, we've got an even bigger problem.
Get that through your skull, people, or you may find your skull in a different zipcode from the rest of you one day. Maybe in that mythical Bridge to Paradise built from the skulls of slain infidels you hear about on Gaza and Saudi television every so often.
Tolerance is a good thing. Putting up with murderous insane shit is a whole other story.
I've said it before, and I'll say it again: we are at war with the Islamists. Deny it all you want, tell me how wrong it is to say that, but the fact remains that they continue to take the fight to us. They believe that they have a moral imperative to kill the infidel. They are heartless murderers who kill non-combatants (including women and children) in their homes, and not only do they not care, they revel and rejoice in this murder and mayhem. I may be an infidel, but at least I'm not an animal.

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