25 July 2005

Jane Fonda to Oppose Iraq War on Bus Tour

Title should read:
"Hanoi Jane at it again."

Story should read:
"Not content with being despised, loathed and spat upon by those who served in the Vietnam war, Hanoi Jane has taken it upon herself to be despised, loathed and spat upon by the current crop of heroes who are at this moment protecting Ms. Hanoi from islamists who would like nothing more than to cut off her head with a dull spoon. Ms. Hanoi plans to take a trip to the middle east to meet with the islamists in the mountains of Afghanistan to show her support for the oppressed indigenous people of the region. When asked if she'll cover her face and otherwise act in accordance with islamic law, Ms. Hanoi expressed surprise and stated that she was going to show up in full Barbarella attire. It will be interesting to see if she survives the trip, or if she can take another set of photo ops in anti-aircraft or perhaps this time inside a car rigged up to be a car bomb."

What a bitch. You'll note in the brief story that this is all about Ms. Hanoi. She could care less about our troops overseas or the fact that this war was brought to us.

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