09 November 2004

No Mandate For Gun Extremism

It's time to call BS on the Brady Bunch for their abuse of so-called media outlets. No respectable news agency will pick up their drivel, so they BUY (that's right, PURCHASE) their time in print/web from PRNewswire. This way, they can write whatever mindless propagandistic rubbish they want without the threat of journalistic integrity getting in the way.

The Brady Campaign to Prevent Gun Violence and the Million Mommies have been utterly ineffective with their shrill, left-wing lunatic stance against private gun ownership, demonizing law-abiding gun owners as the bad guys. They want ALL your guns, and they want all guns to be illegal. That's their agenda, and they will do ANYTHING to advance that agenda. These are the liars that have promoted the image of "Assault rifles" as machine guns, and other ridiculous claims in an effort to hoodwink the uninformed into the "guns are bad" message they want so desperately to advance.

For example:
"The NRA has their preferred candidate in the White House for another four years, but only after the President abandoned the NRA's rhetoric and sought to associate himself with sensible gun laws like renewing the assault weapons ban and closing the gun show loophole," said Brady President Michael Barnes.
Say what??? Now they're using the President's stance on the AWB in support of their mindless crusade? Just weeks ago, the President was positively satanic because he wouldn't strong-arm Congress into the renewal of the ban.

The spin that's in this one "article" is nauseating. Here's another gem:
Candidate John Thune's victory over Senator Daschle came after a campaign focused on Daschle's position as minority leader rather than the gun issue. No other incumbent Senator lost.
Granted, Daschle's minority leader position was a plum prize, but he's one of the most hated anti-gun legislators ever, and that's why he's gone.

Next time you read a "news" article, check the source. If someone has to pay for their message to get out, it's probably not worth listening to.

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