09 October 2004

Iraqi native arrested for terror plot

Here's some real detective work. How did they ever figure out this man might be crazy?

"However, many residents noticed that his vehicles were heavily painted with numerous political writings in opposition to the war in Iraq such as: "I pray all soldiers lay down their guns", "War Won't Work", "Peace" and "Killing Kids for Oil."
According to the affidavit, the investigation began in August after federal authorities were tipped by an acquaintance of Al-Uqaily that he was seeking to buy weapons.
According to the affidavit, Al-Uqaily told the acquaintance that he was angry about the state of affairs in Iraq, that he was 'going Jihad,' and that he was going to blow up something. "

Yeah, that says it pretty much. But here's the part that's really nuts:
"Authorities said the suspect paid $1,000 to buy two disassembled machine guns, four disassembled hand grenades and hundreds of rounds of ammunition from the agent, who was working with the FBI's Joint Terrorism Task Force. "

$1,000 bucks for all that? And he didn't figure out he was being set up? Geez, a good machine gun will run you in excess of $5000 alone, not to mention all the Class II paperwork, licenses, etc. Oh, wait. Bad guy - no need to worry about laws.

PS: Did anyone notice this:
"33-year-old Ahmed Hassan Al-Uqaily was caught...." Hmm. Good thing nobody was profiling this gentleman, huh?

1 comment:

catfish said...

we are too kind of a nation. this jackass should have been shot on the spot.