30 September 2004

The Shrill Shill

I'm watching the Presidential debate. John Kerry is gonna need an ass cast, because his butt's being kicked hard.

Never have I heard such a shrill shill for a political ideology than what has foamed from the mouth of John Kerry. "WMDs are pouring across the border daily." Huh? What WMDs, JFK? There are none, right? He voted FOR military action, but he's always been against it. "North Korea has nuclear weapons." He'll go after them. Right.

I'm even more confused on John Kerry's positions than before the debate. Nice work, Kerry. I hope your next boss finds you worthwhile.

1 comment:

Dan said...

I wasn't going to watch this, but it's actually fun watching Kerry change his position in the same statement.

And it doesn't seem that Kerry was very well prepared for GW's points.

But he did let EVERYONE know he served in Vietnam.....

Major Ass Kicking!