03 October 2009

Your government at work

Sen. Thomas Carper (D.-Del.), a member of the Senate Finance Committee, told CNSNews.com that he does not “expect” to read the actual legislative language of the committee’s health care bill because it is “confusing” and that anyone who claims they are going to read it and understand it is fooling people.

“I don’t expect to actually read the legislative language because reading the legislative language is among the more confusing things I’ve ever read in my life,” Carper told CNSNews.com.
While lamenting the fact that the bill is gibberish, Carper compares the text to that of your credit card full disclosure statement and brags that Congress passed a law that mandates the credit card companies use "plain English" rather than legal gibberish.

However, I find it entertaining that there is no such movement afoot in Congress today to have them live by the rules they force others to follow.

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