A few years back, several of us (JR, Dan, Big D and the Girl) were asked to go up to Tulsa, OK and help some buddies of ours demo full auto weapons. In the amount of time it took me to say lemmethinkaboutitYES! We were soon on the road to Tulsa.
Dan, Big D and myself drove up there in Big D's minivan. Well, ok, it wasn't his minivan per se, it was a previous employer's minivan. Big D doesn't have a lead foot. Take whatever element that exists that's 100% heavier than lead, and that's D's foot. Anyway, we're hauling ass through smallville Oklahoma. Speed limit 55. BD was doing 95 slowing down when the cop hit us with his radar and proceeded to pull us over. I did mention we were going to a shooting demo, right? There were at least 3-4 carbines, 2-3 shotguns, and at least 9-10 handguns, with a shitload of ammo to boot. There was so much stuff, in addition to our gear, clothes, and weapons, that the guns were pretty much in plain view as there just wasn't anywhere to put em. When we stopped, I looked around my little area in the back seat of the van. I had an AR under my feet, a shotgun riding down the middle of the van, and another rifle laying on the seat next to me. I pretty much figured that I was going to get shot by a jumpy small town policeman so I just went ahead and put my hands on my head and tried to look innocent, which frankly was harder than I imagined.
Cop comes to the door and knocks on BD's window, and asks him to roll it down. Well, the window had earlier been shot out by a richochet or something at a big IDPA match and when it was fixed, it wouldn't roll down. So, BD opens the door and goes "NO!" That's when the cop looked in the car and that's when I figured we were all going to jail. The cop asks BD "ummmm, sir, do you have any guns in the car?" BD responds, "ahhhhhhhhhh, well..... yessir. There's one there, one there, one there, one back there, one on my hip, one in my pocket, one in the glove box..." etc etc etc. Cop goes "step out of the car sir".
Well, Dan and I both figured the jig was up. In fact, he was on the phone with our host from Tulsa, who happens to be a cop.... Before Dan and I could figure out who was going to post our bond, BD comes back to the car starts it off, and takes off!
I'm thinking - tell me you're not running from the cop! BD said, "you are not going to believe this, but when I told him where we were going, he handed me back my licenses and told me to be careful!" (or something to that effect, I'm sure BD will remember...)
So, long story short, we get to Tulsa safe and sound with no prison record, which was a good thing. Because if we'd been busted, we wouldn't have been able to do this:

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