14 July 2005

Report cites 'degrading' Guantanamo treatment

Let's see, the worst of the gulag treatment the poor innocent little muslim terrorists are getting in Gitmo:
One fellow "was forced by interrogators in late 2002 to wear a bra and had women's thong underwear placed on his head."

But, oh, it gets so much worse!!!

"U.S. interrogators also told him he was a homosexual, forced him to dance with a male interrogator, told him his mother and sister were whores, forced him to wear a leash and perform dog tricks, menaced him with a dog and regularly subjected him to interrogations up to 20 hours a day for about two months, the report said."

Yep. That's surely to be compared to Hitler, Pol Pot, and Stalin. Yessirree.

Compared to what the detainees are doing to their gaurds, this is nada. Considering that they are throwing feces and urine; and are spitting on our troops, I'd think they would consider themselves lucky to be breathing.

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