30 April 2005

Ga. Woman Found, Reportedly Got Cold Feet

All we have been hearing since Tuesday was how this woman had gone missing. It led every news show I have seen. She left her wallet, keys, and everything else at home and went jogging. Nobody had seen or heard from her since.
I fell asleep on my couch last night while watching The Fox News Channel. I woke up about 3am to Greta Van Susteren interviewing the woman's relieved and elated family members. They had been told that she was abducted by a Mexican-American male and a white woman who were driving a blue van, and was released in New Mexico. I was genuinely relieved and happy for everybody whose world had been turned upside down because they had feared the worst for the last four days. I also thought about how lucky she was that she didn't end up dead at the hands of her kidnappers. One of the things I have hammered into my wife's head is NEVER go to crime scene number two. If somebody is trying to get you to go someplace, avoid it at all costs. If they are going to harm you, make them do it right there and hopefully you will get help from a witness or somebody that happens by. If they are taking you someplace, it will likely be to a remote area with no help for miles. I thought to myself "Well, she went to crime scene number two and was let go. Lucky."
When I woke up this morning after finally going to bed, I turned on the news to find out that she had made it all up.
The man who owns the Cafe where she lives, who had provided the searchers with coffee and sandwiches said it best.
Ryan Kelly, owner of the Park Cafe a few blocks from Wilbanks' house, which gave out coffee and sandwiches to searchers, said he was glad Wilbanks was alive and healthy. "But that being said, this is one of the most selfish and self-centered acts I've ever seen. We saw her parents, and you could see the anguish in their eyes. It was terrible," he said. "I don't care where you are — unless you're in the Amazon rainforest, you'd know everybody was out looking for you."
If her fiancee wants to go through with the wedding he should take the appointment after hers to get his head examined.

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