18 February 2005

Lloyd Grove's Lowdown: Kanye get $ to do mags?

How funny! Is this a residue of the Dean effect?? As mentioned before, Dean and the Clintonistas share little love. So for the lefty's that long for a return of the big guy and his lovely bride - perhaps you can start waving buh bye as we speak.
The Briefing Friends no more? I hope Sen. Hillary Clinton isn't counting on help from Hollywood mogul David Geffen in her possible run for the White House in 2008. Geffen, a generous supporter and pal of Bill Clinton when he was President, trashed Hillary's prospects last night during a Q&A at the 92nd St. Y. 'She can't win, and she's an incredibly polarizing figure,' the billionaire Democrat told his audience. 'And ambition is just not a good enough reason.' Geffen's dis was met with hearty applause.

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