24 January 2005

Countdown to global catastrophe

Quack-a-doodle-doo alert!!

Once again, *theory* broadly accepted as fact. Where's the "other side" of this argument in the article? Notice that it is sadly lacking from this article (as usual) and aren't all journalists supposed to be able to present varying sides of any discussion to retain their *objectivity*??

I will again, dear readers, point out that ONE volcanic eruption has the ability to *pollute* the atmosphere more than ALL of mankind has in ALL of mankind's history.

Let me also point out the small fact that not too long ago (geologically, anyway), the earth left a period of time widely referred to as the *ICE Age*. What in the world prompted the earth to warm up at that time, some several thousand years ago?? I mean, taking into consideration that early cave men and neanderthals lacked the internal combustion engine.

It's called the weather, people, deal with it.

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