02 December 2004

PR Meets Psy-Ops in War on Terror

I am very happy to see that someone in the administration is familiar with a little book written by a very wise Chinese man thousands of years ago.

Sun Tzu says "all warfare is based on deception". I'm overjoyed to see that our commanders are taking advantage of this age old wisdom to help kick the snot out of our enemy.

The fact that our military deceived the media bothers me not the least. I do find it totally humorous that the same media outlet (CNN) that admitted in a New York Times editorial that it held back on information it had on Saddam's regime that would not put the dictator in a favorable light in order to stay in country. The same media outlet (CNN) also broadcast Baghdad Bob's daily reports that the Americans were stuck in their advance and that Iraqi forces were winning the battle and they surely didn't issue a retraction over that.

Who's side are you on, American media? Thank goodness for the internet and the blogosphere which I'm sure will not allow any future (or present) war we are involved in turn into a Vietnam - which face it, guys - was lost by our media and not our troops.

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