03 November 2006

Arlington man shoots intruder

Now this is a nifty little story. The WBAP article was the only one I could find online - but it was making the rounds all day on the radio.

Seems wanna be crook breaks into the house while the couple is sleeping early this morning. They wake up, find him stacking up his loot, and the husband pulls a .38 on the burglar and orders him to cease and desist. The burglar chooses instead to charge the husband, who shoots at the thief, hitting him a couple of times. One story I heard says he was shot in the neck and chest. The WBAP story says it was in the head. Regardless, said burglar didn't feel like giving up the fight, and refused to obey further commands from the husband. Said thief then leaves the house through the backdoor.

Shortly therafter, same guy is back at the FRONT door, begging to be let in. Homeowner, for some ownknown (to me) reason, lets the guy BACK IN, tries to subdue the turd one more time, and then the crook makes a break for the back door and tries to hide in the woods where he's subsequently caught by the police.

This story has so many wierd things in it that I don't know where to begin.

Why the homeowner didn't continue to pump rounds into the turd until the turd was assuming room temperature is beyond me. Why the homeowner let the guy back in the house is beyond me.

I'm glad that the guy and his wife got out of this without any scars. But it strikes me as rather irresponsible in the defense of his family to knowingly LET someone back in his house that had been robbing you a minute before, and had already taken a shot or two in the process.


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