01 November 2006

Amazon.com: Reviews for Playing With Fire: Music: Kevin Federline

K-Fed's latest (c)rap album is out, and the reviews are rolling in. Here's a sample:
Three seconds in the microwave, and what a lightshow! Thanx, K-Fed!

Would've gone with another star or two, but "Playing with Fire" doesn't end up looking as good afterward as rewritable CDs.
And another:
The sheer cacophony that this album exhudes is a declaration of war against all which is good and pure in this world. Skies will rain blood, virgins will be spontaneously defiled, and there will be much weeping and gnashing of teeth.

The drum machines in this necronomicon of pain are wrought from the realm of Baalzebub himself, their metallic drone bores holes within the eardrums - sweet mercy comes from this.

The unholy union between K-Fed and music television will ensure that this demon seed is poured forth upon the masses, burning them with unescapable torment.

It must be stopped.
And those are the good reviews. I'm thinking this will not be the album of the year.

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