In yet another case of shoddy reporting, we find out about a group of:
"Canadian teenagers and young men in their 20s, accused by police of being members of a suspected homegrown terrorist cell...."
Now, when you read that, just who do you picture in your mind's eye? I picture a group of white, anglo (or french) Canadians.
It's not till you get 4/5ths of the way down the article do you find out that islam is involved.
Heaven forbid we get a headline or lead paragraph that goes something like "Today, a group of islamic men were arrested for ties to terrorism." I'd hate to implicate that muslims have anything to do with terrorism or something like that (because we all know that islam is THE religion of peace) but hey, let's not let the facts help us to make up our own minds or anything like that.
And the news media wonders why their ratings and sales continue to decline. Whatever happened to just reporting the facts?
I am also curious as to how within days of each other, we have seen reports of large terror-related investigations in England - our closest ally in the Long War - and Canada - our neighbor to the north; but as of today, nothing brewing here in the good ole US of A. There have been large scale, and sweeping arrests in both countries - does this mean there's nothing going on stateside, or we just haven't caught 'em yet?
As Bill and Ted so eloquently stated, something's strange afoot at the Circle K.
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