10 March 2006

Ronald S. Safer is a Liar

You know what sets anti-gunners apart from the rest of the populace? They hold no compunction against repeating the same lies over and again. Yes, they are bald-faced liars that repeat nonsense often enough that the weak-minded among us merely accept these lies as facts. Let's examine the theme of this diatribe:
But the killer had a big assist from Congress and our president. In 2004, those so-called public servants let lapse the federal law that banned assault weapons like the one that evidently killed Starkesia...
...It is now lawful for companies to manufacture, sell and distribute these weapons. And it is lawful for a person to buy an assault weapon if he or she is not a felon.

Why did the president and Congress allow these weapons to again fill our streets?
I don't know about you, boys and girls, but I legally bought my so-called "assault weapon" during the hated Assault Weapons Ban. These guns have never been illegal. What this filthy liar is doing is giving the impression that weapons that look like assault weapons are, in fact, assault weapons.

Read the article. Note how he regurgitates the lies from the Brady Bunch. Polls support gun control...police favor gun bans...hunter's rights (whatever the hell those are)...self-protection doesn't require an assault weapon...and finally, yep: what about the children? And building up to the big finale:
Those drive-bys are precisely what these semi-automatic weapons--many of them convertible to automatic--are designed to execute. They're efficient, capable of quickly spraying a broad area with lethal bullets. Anyone in that area--an intended victim or a bystander like Starkesia--risks extermination.
I'm a little disappointed he didn't use "bullet hose," but "spraying" is a good substitute. And don't forget the "lethal bullets."

And why did this happen? Why, because the NRA bribed Congress.

Watch this - I caught him in a lie:
What do NRA leaders have that corrupts these politicians? Votes? Absolutely not. Their members are decidedly in the minority on the assault weapon issue.
Get that? The voters support a ban on guns. Yet, in the very next paragraph:
They (the NRA) can withdraw the grease that lubricates the re-election machine of members of Congress. They can support a congressman's opponent with impressive resources. They are disciplined, single-issue-oriented and relentless in their opposition to anyone who has the audacity to suggest any weapon or ammunition controls be implemented.
Without saying it outright, he hangs himself on the fact that votes are what get representatives elected. This creates a dichotomy: how can both statements be true? The answer: they're not - it's just another lie.

If you wonder why we're constantly battling anti-gun legislation at every level of government, it's because of these liars and their unrelenting desire to deprive you of your rights. Don't buy it.

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