03 February 2005

Response from Democrats

A little dissection is in order here:
From Senator Reid
"I was born and raised in the high desert of Nevada in a tiny town called Searchlight. My dad was a hard rock miner. My mom took in wash. I grew up around people of strong values - even if they rarely talked about them. They loved their country, worshiped God, never shunned hard work, and never asked for special favors. My life has been very different from what I imagined growing up, but no matter how far I¹ve traveled, Searchlight is still the place I go back to and still the place I call home."
I love this. Do you notice that ever since Kerry's run for the presidency that the Democrats have to go to all sorts of lengths to show that they're "men/women of the people." You don't see Bush doing it, you didn't see Reagan doing it. We knew where our leaders came from and what they stand for. They didn't have to continuously re-invent themselves to try and reach certain segments of our population.
"It's important that we succeed. It's time that America's government lived by the same values as America's families. It's time we invested in America's future and made sure our people have the skills to compete and thrive in a 21st century economy. That's what Democrats believe. That's where we stand."
What exactly does this mean?? It, as usual from the libs, says NOTHING. Who among us can argue with this statement?? Bueller? Bueller? Bueller??
"This 21st century economy holds great promise for our people. But unless we give all Americans the skills they need to succeed, countries like India and China will take good-paying jobs that should be ours."
I seem to recall that a lot of the jobs going overseas are those that involve customer service?? Low paying jobs that folks in China and India are willing to do for less than Americans are willing to do?? What's a telemarketer make per hour anyway??
"I want you to know that when we believe the president is on the right track, we won't let partisan interests get in the way of what's good for the country. We will be first in line to work with him. But when he gets off track, we will be there to hold him accountable."
So the President is "on track" when he does what you want, but "off track" when he plots his own course?? Why is it that you don't think that YOU are the one "off track", Senator?? Why do you think that the American people overwhelmingly placed Republicans in charge rather than Democrats?? Maybe (could it be???) the majority of Americans think that the Republicans are "on track" and your party is going the wrong way?
"Even after the president's speech, the American people are still asking these questions. You can be sure that Democrats will continue to offer real answers in the months ahead."
Your rebuttal was your chance to offer up some answers, Senator, but you do nothing other than cast stones with no solutions. So what's your answer? Where's your plan? What's your vision? Your response was notably lacking in answers, solutions, plans, or vision. It was nothing more than an attack on a President that you detest.

From Congressperson Pelosi
Her preamble is again, nothing more than trying to prove how much she knows and understands the American military and foreign policy. She wastes a good portion of her speech trying to pretend that she actually is a military supporter, and not someone who loathes everything the military stands for. Again, you do not see President Bush bragging about how much time he's spent at the hospitals or with families of those killed and wounded in Iraq and Afghanistan. You don't see Bush bragging about how he flew into Baghdad last year to share a holiday meal with our troops.

Bush does NOT have to prove that he supports our troops, but for some reason, the liberals feel compelled to do so. Why do you think that is?
"We have never heard a clear plan from this administration for ending our presence in Iraq. And we did not hear one tonight."
Bush has consistently given an answer to this question, Congresswoman. The answer is, when we win. I realize that you have a hard time understanding what VICTORY is, after all, how long's it been since your party has won anything? We'll be out when it's time to get out and setting a phony timetable will do nothing. I seem to recall Bill Clinton setting a timetable for us to get out of Kosovo, yet I also clearly recall that we still have troops there. Are you upset over that as well?
"For three years, the president has failed to put together a comprehensive plan to protect America from terrorism. And we did not hear one tonight."
Umm, I hate to point this out to you, Madame Pelosi, but I don't seem to recall hearing of another attack on the United States since 9/11. Maybe I forgot, but I don't think so. Obviously, something the President is doing is working.
"Democrats are committed to a strong national security: that keeps America safe, that wins the War on Terror and that never again sends our troops into harm's way without the equipment they need."
Oh yes, that's why your Presidential candidate voted for the 87 billion before he voted against it? And again, why is it that you feel you must so strongly declare your martial spirit?? Could it be that since the Vietnam era the Democrat party has largely spit on the military? Hmmmm?

As usual - no solutions or debate on the issues facing our country. No alternative solutions. Nothing. Only slightly vieled threats, name calling, and whining. The modern day Democrat party at its finest.

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