29 August 2007

Gun lovers disarm control advocates

Here's a taste of Liberal Chicago gun-control advocacy:
Let's get organized and shove tougher gun policies right down their throats.
Laura Washington hates guns, and apparently can't understand why everyone doesn't see things her way.

Is it because she's so rational and reasonable?
Our elected officials have either been bought off or are missing in action. The odds are against the majority of Americans who are terrified and sickened by the gun menace.
Nope, that's not it. Is it because she's got paranoid delusions about what constitutes responsible gun ownership?
Do you want to be standing in line for gas, popcorn or a gallon of milk and find yourself next to someone who's packing heat? If he takes the White House, we can all go shopping for embossed leather holsters and pearl-handled pistols. I'll be looking to accessorize that with rhinestone-studded boots.
That might be closer to the truth.

Laura can't understand why an ABC News poll showed overwhelming support for gun control, while letters to the editor demonstrated an overwhelming desire for her to STFU. Seriously, an ABC News poll? Did they call 25 inner-city residents at random and call that a sample?

Laura believes that gun control measures don't advance because gun rights advocates are so mean and vitriolic. Hmmm. The phrase "pot calling the kettle black" comes to mind.

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