29 March 2007

A follow up for the good Congressman

I wonder if I will be granted a response??

Dear Dr. Burgess,

I wrote you on the 12th of March in response to reading your emailed reply, asking you what your position was on HR 1022. As of tonight, 3/29/7, I have yet to receive a response from your office.

I posted your original response, as it appears below, on my blog on the 12th as well, as you can see in this link: http://mysite.verizon.net/jimroth/2007/03/you-know-i-somehow-expected-more.html

I would really appreciate the courtesy of a response from your office. Considering that our blog is fairly popular amongst the shooting crowd, you can rest assured that your response will be read by a wide range of shooting enthusiasts from across Texas, including your District.

As I'm sure you can tell, I think that HR 1022 is an abomination that should never leave committee. But if it does, I'd like to know how you will vote on it.


The Fish

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