05 December 2005

Another Reason I HATE The Home Depot

I hate The Home Depot (THD). I have several reasons why. The way they started doing business with their vendors ran a lot of good businesses, including manufacturers and their representatives, out of business. That includes the one that I worked at for eight years. That is the number one reason I hate THD. Another reason I hate them is the fact that they have the worst customer service of any department store that I have ever patronized. On any given day you can walk into a store, and they will only have one employee covering several departments. That's not a good way to do business in a DIY store. I'd say 60% of their customers are going to require some type of help during their visit to the store, and you can't hardly find anybody in a orange apron. The last time I called a local store I started timing how long it was taking to be picked up after already waiting a ridiculously long time. Four minutes past before it was picked up after I started timing. The person that picked it up immediately went into a sales pitch on storm windows they sell and install, then asked if I would be interested in more information. It took a over 12 minutes before the line was picked up by the person I was trying to reach. The time previous to that, the phone was answered by a "sold on hold" message, that I had to sit through in both Spanish and English before it was picked up by a human being. Now, I get the new THD ad, that has "Holiday Trees" in it. What the hell is a Holiday Tree? It looks like something that for my entire life has always been called a CHRISTMAS TREE. I'll bet you my house that if you grab a Muslim, a Jew, a Christian, a Buddhist, and an Atheist, and show them a picture of a Christmas tree and ask them what it is, they are all going to tell you it's a Christmas Tree. This is political correctness, just for the sake of being politically correct, and this should be fought by every one of us with every ounce of energy we have. Do not accept this gutless behavior! A Christmas Tree should not be offensive to people that are not Christians, and if it is they can all line up and kiss my hairy ass. It is a traditional symbol of Christmas. It always has been, and it always will be. I decided a long time ago never to spend another dollar in The Home Depot, and I never will. They are not deserving of my business. Besides the fact that they completely suck, they are gutless.

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