24 June 2005

The Governor of Illinois is a Moron

There. I've said it. Illinois, or more accurately Chicago, is the nexus of everything that is wrong with gun control efforts. The politicians and lawyers are so busy lining their pockets that they've completely discarded any and all logic with respect to firearm laws. As a consequence, they now suffer one of the nation's highest gun crime rates. Nice work, boys!

Now the governor is requiring firearms licenses (already hard enough to get) for the purchase of stun guns.

Once again, the illogic is that law-abiding citizens will comply with this new law, and because this new law has now made it more difficult for law-abiding citizens to acquire a stun gun, whattya suppose happens next?
“By requiring background checks and a waiting period, we can assure Illinois citizens that these powerful devices do not fall into the wrong hands,” said Representative Elaine Nekritz.
Huh? How does it do that, exactly?

Congratulations, your Honorable Bone-Headedness - you've just created a new black market, and a brand-new class of criminal, all for no good reason.

You people in Illinois need to wake up, and vote these parasites out of your lives.

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