05 October 2006

Camp Crawford (?) is in Town

Omigosh - we got hippies! This looks to be part of the stupidity that Michelle Malkin warned us about.

This is what was going on right around the corner from my office, on Northbound I-35 in Lewisville today. I got a call from Catfish, who was heading home, and got caught in the traffic that these folks were manufacturing. Being the enterprising blogger I am, I grabbed my trusty digital camera and went to get a first-hand look.

Catfish said that bus looked familiar, like the one at Cindy Sheehan's gang at Crawford. Sure enough, I had a young man from the Crawford newspaper ("the" paper, or "a" paper? Beats me), approach me and ask who I was and what I thought. I shared that I am but a humble blogger with the humble Texican Tattler, and I thought that they were creating a traffic jam on OU/Texas weekend. "That's not until tomorrow," says he. "The Norman campus closes on Friday," quoth I. "But, that's not until tomorrow," reiterates he. "And therefore, the students, including my son, are coming home today," I explained.

Furthermore, it was unfathomable to him that holding such a protest in such a pro-Bush, pro-Republican stronghold would create any type of consternation for anyone. I asked him if he thought those horn honks and middle fingers were symbols of support where he came from. I think that sums up the depth of thought process of the worker bees in this organized "protest." I had to spell "Texican" for him twice.

However, let's step back and look at what the organizers have managed:

A traffic-stopping protest in a major metropolitan area, in a high-traffic zone, on a very high-traffic day. There were handlers that descended on the police when they arrived to keep tabs on things. My suspicion is they had some sort of legal training. There were drinks, well-made signs (along with some hand-made ones, to be fair), and a shameful, disrespectful display of American flags flown upside down and draped on their bodies. Note the couple of guys wearing BDU/camo pants.
A well-equipped bus, with mirrored tint, propane power sources, satellite dish, air-conditioning, professional paint job and looking to be in very good repair. It appears it may be a rental from the Texas Pop Festival (more hippie evidence!). Note the "Texas" flag with a peace sign, displayed over the entrance. It's backwards, and smacks of a lack of familiarity with the State of Texas. Or maybe they did it just to be contrary. Either way, it tells me something. Just like Catfish before me, I suspect that the organizers ain't from around here.

In any event, I'm sure it'll be on the evening news and/or the newspaper. People like this don't really care about their cause - they care about the sentiment they generate, and they don't care who they make angry doing it.

That's right - the people driving north on I-35 were NOT giving them peace signs in return.

Pimp Daddy sums it up well: if you really want to convince me of your commitment, show me some Jim Jones action. Don't just make the Kool-Aid, drink it!

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