23 September 2004


This is getting tiresome. The AWB was so effective. Blah, blah, blah.

"You remember it - newspapers around the world carried the story. It was the day after Christmas in 2000, just a few miles from where you live. A 42-year-old employee of Edgewater Technology, located in Wakefield, took an AK-47 assault rifle from his gym bag and gunned down seven of his co-workers."

So, um, let's get this straight. The AWB was in effect in 2000, correct? Exactly HOW did a criminal get his hands on an "AK-47 assault rifle?"

No contradictions here. Katherine Clark is the Democratic candidate running against Sen. Richard Tisei, R-Melrose

1 comment:

catfish said...

once again, a prime example of the liberals not letting the facts get in the way. I heard the Rev Jackson in a radio interview yesterday when he essentially stated that the streets were now made unsafe because Bush let the AWB fade into the sunset and that Ak-47s and Uzis would now be running rampant out on the streets. I guess the AWB when it was in force somehow magically made all nasty, eviel assault weapons just dissapear from the stores, closets and gunsafes across America.
Oh, wait - I guess he thought that an AK with a thumbhole stock was safer than one with a pistol grip!!